Anna Legreid Dopp
2007-08 Fellow
Anna Legreid Dopp completed her Doctor of Pharmacy degree in 2002 from the University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy. Upon graduation, she began working at Medtronic, Inc., as a manager and principal training and education specialist in the Cardiac Rhythm Disease Management Core Clinical and Outcomes Research department.
In May 2005, she accepted a position as a clinical assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy in the Extension Services in Pharmacy Division. Three years later, she took a leave of absence from the University of Wisconsin and completed a Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow Program in Washington, D.C., where she worked on health and social legislation in the office of Senator Joe Lieberman.
She has worked as a clinical pharmacist and as a medication use policy analyst at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics as well as serving as the Vice President of Public Affairs for the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin and the editor of the Journal of the Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin. Since then, Dopp has served as the director of Clinical Guidelines and Quality Improvement at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.