

Candidates must be:

  • a graduate of an accredited school of pharmacy
  • a pharmacist with at least one year of residency training or several years of professional experience, ideally providing direct patient care
  • a U.S. citizen

Preference will be given to pharmacists with demonstrated awareness or a track record of advocacy regarding health care or social issues.

How to Apply

Application Deadline

January 31

Application Materials

  1. Applicant letter: Provide in your introduction your complete contact information, current affiliation and earned degrees, and summarize your postgraduate experiences if appropriate.
  2. Candidate biosketch: Provide a biographical sketch of no more than 500 words that highlights your life experiences.
  3. Candidate statements: Provide brief statements in no more than 500 words that address each of the following points:
    • Rationale: Reasons for applying to the Congressional Healthcare Policy Fellow Program. Include a discussion of your major strengths and qualifications for the program.
    • Areas of interest: Outline the policy areas or issues that you are particularly interested in.
    • Role as a fellow: Describe how you imagine you might apply your pharmacy experiences in the fellow program.
    • Career goals: State your goals following the completion of the fellow program.
    • Community involvement: Describe your most significant community-related activity that utilized your professional expertise and explain why you consider it to be significant.
  4. Professional communication: Provide a sample advocacy letter to a congressional representative, including a specific policy recommendation - for example, why they should co-sponsor HR 592, "Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act."
  5. Extracurricular activities: Provide a brief statement of the activities you enjoy that extend beyond the patient care arena, lab, classroom or office.
  6. Curriculum vitae: Provide an up-to-date curriculum vitae. Use your CV to highlight your education, expertise, achievements and honors, and your publications. The CV should not repeat information included in the extracurricular section.
  7. Conflict of interest disclosure: A completed conflict of interest disclosure form must be submitted with the application materials. Email for a copy of the form.
  8. Recommendation letters: Visit the recommendation letters guidance page for details.

Incomplete or incorrectly completed applications — including those not completed in the requested format and those that are longer than specified in the instructions — will not be considered. DO NOT send additional documents.

Application materials should be sent to Kristin Zimmerman, program director, at by January 31. Receipt of applications and letters of recommendation will be acknowledged when received.

Review and Selection Process

Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Finalists will be interviewed in Washington, D.C., in early spring, and the successful candidate will be announced soon thereafter.

An ad hoc selection committee composed of representatives from the VCU School of Pharmacy, ASHP and ACCP serve as the screening/selection entity. The selection process is competitive, with professional excellence and suitability for the fellow program being the primary consideration.


If you have any questions concerning the application or selection process, please contact the Kristin Zimmerman, program director at the VCU School of Pharmacy, directly via email at